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Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Ferris Bueller

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By Kid30

Summer 2010

On 21, Jul 2010 | In Uncategorized | By Kid30

Thanks for all the support for EXIT THROUGH THE RECORDS SHOP, thanks to all the artists (over 200 in total) and every one that came down, images will be put on the site when I get a chance

Any one still needing to collect artwork can they email as all work from this week will be no longer at the shop. (21st July)


A new exhibition hopefully taking place in Sept/Oct, got a few places for artists who want to get involved, again email for more info.

Photos from Oxygen Thievez @ Glastonbury will also be posted up here shortly

Cheers now get of your computer and enjoy the sun!